Parasites in the human body: how to get rid of folk remedies

types of parasites in the human body

Due to constant contact with the outside world, the human body is a sensitive target for parasites to find their home there. As a rule, parasites are the lowest form of life that feeds on the vital activity of other organisms, which does not worsen the quality of human life, but can be life-threatening. Parasites can remain in a person for a long time and continue to actively reproduce in the body, but if left untreated, they can penetrate the brain and other vital organs, often with serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove parasites from the human body through folk remedies, especially since scientists have found that these methods are the most effective in most cases.

How do we know that parasites are "located" in the body

The human body is an ideal habitat for various types of parasites. The most common parasites include tapeworms and roundworms (worms), pinworms, and roundworms, which have several species and different names.

Before you start fighting parasites, you need to know the signs that they are inside a person. After all, only by making an accurate diagnosis, you can find really useful treatment methods.

Symptoms of helminths in the human body can be as follows and appear together or separately:

symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • Poor digestive system (frequent diarrhea or constipation, severe abdominal pain, flatulence);
  • Inability to work for a long time and focus on one thing, depression, apathy, constant fatigue;
  • Pain and cramps in muscles and joints;
  • Acute weight loss;
  • Poor metabolism;
  • Decreased immune system and frequent colds;
  • Frequent skin rashes, allergic reactions;
  • Iron deficiency and anemia;
  • Pressure drop;
  • yellowing of the whites of the eyes;
  • Fragile nails, cracked ankles.
  • Insomnia and tartar in sleep;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system.

If you find any signs of the development of vital activity of parasites in the human body, you should perform tests and consult a doctor.

In what cases it is impossible to treat with folk remedies

It is impossible to get rid of helminths at home in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • History of heart attacks and strokes in addition to serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Cancer and tumors.
  • Influenza, ARVI.
  • Gastric ulcer, gastritis;
  • Liver and kidney failure.
  • Bleeding (internal and external), menstrual cycle in women.

If a person has all these contraindications, it is impossible to take independent measures to combat parasites. You should do this under the supervision of a doctor and only in this way.

How to prepare for the removal of parasites by folk remedies

In health forums, it is recommended that you go through a number of preparatory measures before learning how to remove parasites from the human body through folk remedies (video). Doctors agree.

  1. Get a full examination at a medical facility.
  2. Follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor and never ignore it.
  3. Make sure there are no contraindications to traditional methods for removing parasites from the body.
  4. Go on a healthy diet, eliminate fatty foods. Such a diet should last at least two weeks and include more fresh juices, raw vegetables, fruits (washed thoroughly before use) and at least two liters of water per day.
  5. Before starting the course of eliminating parasites with folk remedies, you should clean the kidneys, liver, intestines.
  6. Constipation should be treated with regular enemas.

Only after all these measures are taken, you can proceed to how to remove parasites from the human body using folk remedies.

Traditional Medicine Definitions

There are several options for removing parasites from the human body through folk remedies, it is important to observe the proportions and regularities according to the opinions of people who are able to cope with the problem with such means.

Garlic against parasites

garlic to remove parasites from the body

In the morning, eat 10 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach, do not chew, do not swallow all. This "medicine" is for a glass of boiled milk. After two to three hours you need to take any medication that has a laxative effect. This method allows you to get rid of all kinds of parasites.

You can also make garlic enema. A large clove of garlic should be boiled in a glass of milk and then used for enemas. One garlic enema is given every day for a week. Use the full amount of fluid for adults and half for children.

Pumpkin seeds against parasites

Unpeeled pumpkin seeds should be ground in a blender or coffee grinder. Two tablespoons of the resulting mass should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with warm milk. After an hour you should take a laxative. This method allows you to eliminate the symptoms of helminths in the body, but there is no guarantee that they will help to completely eliminate them from the body.

Carrot juice against parasites

Doctors recommend taking a tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice twice a day for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes until the symptoms of helminthiasis disappear.

Cumin seeds and wormwood

Another way to remove parasites from the human body with folk remedies is to make a composition from cumin seeds, currant grass and centaury. Cumin seeds are mixed with herbs in equal proportions. Pour 15 grams of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, keep the drug for an hour. Take a tablespoon of broth three times a day for at least 7 days.

Troichetka against parasites

herbs to remove parasites from the body

The method developed by Hilda Clark is popular when treating parasites at home. The principle of this method is the use of plants that are able to "expel" parasites from the human body.

To prepare the tincture, such plants are used as follows: wormwood, clove powder, immature walnut shells.

This tincture is taken in one dose of half a glass of water (on the first day of treatment), two tablespoons in half a glass of water (in the last days of treatment) in varying doses.

Here are some tips for using the trinity:

  • After mixing the tincture with water, you should wait 15 minutes and only then use the product inside.
  • If you weigh more than 70 kilograms, add two and a half tablespoons of the drug.
  • Treatment is suitable not only for those who are exposed to parasites, but for the whole family as a preventive measure.

Removal of parasites from the human body through folk remedies always continues until the worms are completely gone and with them the symptoms of the disease.

If the effect is not observed for a long time, it means that the treatment was chosen incorrectly and it is necessary to consult a doctor. In order not to bring the situation to a critical point, it is recommended to start the fight against parasites as early as possible, ie as soon as the symptoms are detected.